
Tempshield Radiant Barrier Revolutionizes Food/Cold Pack Shipping

Most of the foil bubble product used for perishable items, does not achieve the level of reflectivity where it can be called radiant barrier and, the bubbles are smaller and fragile.In the...

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Metal Barn and Shed Insulation Tips with Radiant Barrier

With smaller more residential use barns and sheds, the mission is not to heat or cool the structure, but to bring it as close as possible to the outside air temperature since...

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Out and About with Temptrol in the Real World

Temptrol is the first lightweight flexible reflective fabric that brought metallizing into new areas and uses. It won the AMICAL Technical Award in the Industrial Category for 2005. Temptrol is breathable and...

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Myth Busting Dust and Radiant Barriers

From the Levins and Hall dust tests performed in the late eighties, their conclusions show that although dust degrades performance, it is not devastating. Dusted radiant barrier is still effective in reducing...

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Beating Truss Uplift vs Rafter-Framed Roofs

The introduction of the roof truss saved a lot of construction time and costs and eliminated or reduced the need for support posts. Unfortunately, the truss creates a cold climate issue called...

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Condensation Dangers and How to Avoid Them

Condensation brings us back to the breathability discussion. Adding insulation over the walls and roof makes a continuous thermal barrier while burning the thermal bridges. However, when adding or wrapping more insulation,...

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The Controversy: “A House Needs To Breathe.”

Traditional structures were designed to allow moisture to evaporate where modern construction relies on systems of barriers preventing moisture from penetrating the structure and building materials.Increased moisture within a wall whether old...

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Insulating Old Homes Does Not Automatically Mean Cold (Part 2 Cold Climate Insulating)

Just because a home is old does not mean it is cold. Insulating an old home should be carefully studied to ensure you are not introducing more problems than resolving.Before tackling old...

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Cold Climate Insulation & Radiant Barrier How It Can Play a Role (Part I)

Before even discussing Radiant Barrier, it is important to understand all the issues with cold climate insulating and retrofitting an old house or modern home with insulation. There is a plethora of...

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Why Attic Temperature is so Vital to a Home

Normally, heat rises but without proper ventilation in the attic, heat does not rise but migrates. Proper ventilation prevents moisture buildup from the heated air which, will quickly bring on other problems...

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